Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Bon Appetit

Our first client assignment... illustrating breakfast baked goods. We were challenged to create a sense of time and place with our lighting and the use of props surrounding the product. I used window light and a mirror on the left side, to fill in the shadows. Now Bon Appetit!


  1. I like the use of lines and repeated circles. Good shot.

  2. I love the composition in this photo. It is very pleasing to the eye and all the different shapes really come together.

  3. I really love the composition and lighting in this image. I also love the symmetry of the shapes that seem to naturally form. I would decrease the depth of field so the newspaper isn't as clear. It's not terribly distracting, but it could be a small improvement.

  4. I love this breakfast. I think it is very artsy and the composition is great!. even though it is a little cool, it still works.

  5. I absolutely love this breakfast shot. I agree that it's a little cool, but the crossword puzzle won me over!
